Special contests are a fun way to spice up a round. In Golf GameBook, there's an option for Longest drive, Straightest Drive and Closest to the pin. Closest to the pin can be set to all par 3s, whereas Longest and Straightest drive can be set to all par 4s and 5s.
Special contests can be set up according the following steps:
1. Select the Contest(s): In the game settings, choose which holes will feature the special competitions (Longest Drive, Straightest Drive, Closest to the Pin).
2. Activation: The chosen competition activates automatically after players enter their scores for the preceding hole. For example, if Longest Drive is set for hole 7, players will get a notification of it after completing the hole 6 and the option to enter Longest Drive results appears after completing hole 7.
3. Measurement Options: For Longest Drive, decide if shots should be measured using the app. A toggle is available to turn this feature on or off. If off, use a physical marker on the course to denote the longest drive and mark it as "The best result" in the app.
4. Recording Results: Participants record their results in the app. For Closest to the Pin, measuring tools ensure accuracy.